
Solid Deinking Agent

Solid Deinking Agent

This product is is a new type of deinking agent applied to the waste paper, which accelerates the ability of ink particles to peel off from fibers during the pulping process, and is more conducive to the effective remova···
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This product is is a new type of deinking agent applied to the waste paper, which accelerates the ability of ink particles to peel off from fibers during the pulping process, and is more conducive to the effective removal of ink particles in the subsequent washing process, especially for waste paper that is difficult to deink. 

This deinking agent can effectively remove ink particles from fibers within a wide range of acidity, alkalinity, and temperature. It can significantly reduce the amount of caustic soda and sodium silicate added during the pulping process, lower the pH value and improve the whiteness of the pulp, reduce the amount of dust from pulp, make the deinked pulp easier to wash in the washing process, reduce the amount of defoamer, reduce COD in the discharged sewage, lighten the load on the sewage treatment, and thereby reduce treatment costs.

Suitable for deinking of waste book paper, news paper, and chrome paper. The deinked pulp can be used to make glossy paper, news paper, toilet paper, and cultural paper.


  • Accelerate the separation of ink particles and fibers during the fragmentation process

  • In flotation process, it can also be used as an enhancer for deinking agents

  • Improve the whiteness and reduce the dust of the deinked slurry (an effect that other deinking agents may not be able to achieve)

  • Not dependent on high pH value, capable of good ink removal near neutral conditions

  • The dosage is small, only 1/10 dosage of regular fatty acid sodium soap is needed to achieve the same effect.

Packaging: 25kgs/bag

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