
Slimecide (Powder)

Slimecide (Powder)

This slimecide can significantly reduce the content of odorous substances in the environment,inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms, reduce the production of putrefactive pulp, and eliminate the odor of paper produc···
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This slimecide can significantly reduce the content of odorous substances in the environment,inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms, reduce the production of putrefactive pulp, and eliminate the odor of paper products. This antislime agent is able to function over a wide PH range and therefore applicable for many disinfection and deodorization occasions, and it has long effect-retention time, low usage cost, and effectively suppresses the source of odor generation.Besides, it also pocess the water-purifying function. It has strong adaptability and can be applied to multiple water -grade environments with high biological activity and strong decomposition ability.


Used for deodorization and disinfection for sludge or wastewater of paper mill, urban sewage, slaughterhouses, starch factories, rubber factories, garbage treatment plants, hospitals, and food factories etc


During the papermaking process, dose 0.1-0.5 kilograms per ton of dry pulp, diluted at a concentration of 5%, and added to the high-level tank. It can also be mixed evenly in the pulp tank at once.

It is recommended to continue using this slimecide to ensure long-term stable effect. The first use should increase the dosage by 3-5 times, and then reduce the dosage after the entire pulp making system has no odor

Packing and Storage

Packed in 25kgs/bag and store in cool, dry place; shelf life: 12 months.

银泉(广东)新材料有限公司,是一家专注于制浆造纸化学品的研究、开 发、生产及销售的高科技企业。公司位于“广东四小虎之首”、“科技之城”-- 东莞市道滘镇,紧邻广深高速公路,北距广州36公里,南距香港90公里,交通 便利。 公司自成立以来,秉持国际思维,走向世界,学习国外先进的造纸和造纸 化学品技术,...
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