
Scale Inhibitor

Scale Inhibitor

scale inhibitor is a light yellow to reddish-brown liquid with medium viscosity, suitable for water treatment systems. It exhibits strong capturing and stabilizing effects on calcium, magnesium, and metal ions. Being pho···
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Product Overview

Scale Inhibitor is a light yellow to reddish-brown liquid with medium viscosity, suitable for water treatment systems. It exhibits strong capturing and stabilizing effects on calcium, magnesium, and metal ions. Being phosphate-free, it poses no environmental pollution.

Product Packaging

Scale Inhibitor is packaged in liquid form, primarily in recyclable 1200Kg/IBC barrels. For alternative packaging options, please contact our sales representative.

Product Applications and Features

Complexation and solubilization: Through complexation, it controls cations in water that are prone to forming scale, such as Ca2+ and Mg2+, preventing the precipitation and deposition of scale crystals (the effect is not obvious when the concentration is too low). It has good shielding effect on calcium and magnesium ions, manifested by a low calcium ion retention rate.

Lattice distortion effect: It combines with calcium carbonate crystal nuclei, occupies and alters the normal lattice positions for the growth of the crystal nuclei, preventing the calcium carbonate crystals from growing in a normal crystal arrangement, resulting in the formation of soft calcium carbonate crystals. These soft calcium carbonate crystals are not easily deposited on the surface of the system and are more likely to be carried out of the system by water flow.

  Crystal repulsion: It adsorbs onto the surface of calcium carbonate crystal particles, forming a diffuse double layer and altering the charge state of the crystals.  Under electrostatic forces, the calcium carbonate particles  repel each other, preventing them from aggregating after collision, sedimentation occurs.  Crystal particles under mutual repulsion flow out of the system with the water flow.

The typical dosing point for the scale inhibitor is the inlet pump of the anaerobic tower or the outlet pipe of the anaerobic tower (add when the pipe is severely scaled). It can be directly added to the water system to be treated, either as the original solution or diluted with water. The typical dosage is 10–30 ppm.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance..................... light yellow to brownish red liquid

Density @ 25°C...............1.22±0.15

PH value..........................3.00±1.5

Solubility in water.............Complete solubility in water

(1) The above characteristics represent typical values for this product. The latest values and complete

For complete data, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

(2) This is not an acceptance criterion for the product. If needed, we can provide one

Specific product acceptance criteria.

Material compatibility

Compatible with 304 stainless steel, CPVC, and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Note: It is recommended that all large-capacity bulk storage tanks be lined with material-compatible liners to avoid localized corrosion.


Store in a cool place, with a shelf life of 6 months at a storage temperature of 5-35℃.

The information above is derived from our current knowledge and experience, and serves as our guiding advice without any mandatory significance.  The data provided does not represent specifications.  Please adjust the product usage conditions based on specific application conditions and materials.

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