
ASA Sizing Agent

ASA Sizing Agent

Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride (ASA) is basic or neutral type sizing agent. It is wax like chemicals. ASA is used as internal sizing chemicals for paper. Structurally, it is unsaturated linear chain having five-membered anhy···
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Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride (ASA) is basic or neutral type sizing agent. It is wax like chemicals. ASA is used as internal sizing chemicals for paper. Structurally, it is unsaturated linear chain having five-membered anhydride ring and it is synthesized from Alfa-olefins and maleic anhydride. The anhydride ring has no fixd position in the chain, so it is called that ASA is a mixture of isomers. 

Alkaline sizing agent improve paper machine runnability, preserve paper’s dimensional stability increase resistance to water penetration, surface conditions of paper and maintain a high frictional coefficient. The Neutral/Alkaline Sizing Agent (ASA) also reduces paper machine breakdown, reduce dusting, reduce picking of vessel segments during offset printing and water recycling difficulties compare to Acidic sizing agent.

Color :yellowish oily emulsion

Assay :≥97%

Viscosity:≤250mPa.s(25℃) Specific gravity:0.95g/ml

Shelf life:6 months(10℃-35℃)

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