
Filler Pretreatment Agent

Filler Pretreatment Agent

Filler Pretreatment Agent is a cross-linked copolymer designed to be added to papermaking fillers to enhance the ash content and strength of the paper, improve the retention of fillers in the wire section, optimize the d···
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Product Overview

Filler Pretreatment Agent is a cross-linked copolymer designed to be added to papermaking fillers to enhance the ash content and strength of the paper, improve the retention of fillers in the wire section, optimize the dewatering and steam consumption in the drying section of the paper machine, reduce papermaking costs, and increase  efficiency.

Product Packaging

Filler Pretreatment Agent is in  liquid packaging, primarily with recycable 1000Kg/IBC drum packaging. If other packaging forms are required, please contact a sales representative.

Product Applications and Features

The chemical properties of pretreatment agent can minimize the possibility of overflocculation of fillers, making it the best choice for improving the balance between the flocculation effect of filler modification and preventing overflocculation.

Filler Pretreatment Agent can handle the continuously increasing system load under unstable system conditions, improve the recovery ratio and dewatering performance of the filler, and enhance the operational stability and production efficiency. It is particularly suitable for highly enclosed water circulation and filler recovery systems.

The unique structure of Filler Pretreatment Agent can maintain its charge characteristics across various pH and conductivity ranges, ensuring the stability of the solution under numerous process variations.

The typical addition point for the product is to add them into the filler conveying pipeline. The pretreated filler is added before or after the slurry pump. It can also be added to the slurry pool. The optimal addition amount should be determined based on specific circumstances, with a typical dosage of 2-6 kilograms per ton of filler.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Morphological......................liquid emulsification state

The appearance........................opaque with a white to light-colored liquid

Odor......................... Odor of hydrocarbons


Special Gravity@15.5℃................................1.05

Freeze-Unfreeze Resilience............................fully restored

(1) The above characteristics represent typical values for this product. The latest values and complete

For complete data, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

(2) This is not an acceptance criterion for the product. If needed, we can provide one

Specific product acceptance criteria.

Material Compatibility

Compatible with 304 stainless steel, CPVC, and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Note: It is recommended that all large-capacity bulk storage tanks be lined with material-compatible liners to avoid localized corrosion.


If stored in an unopened original container, with low humidity and low room temperature, the shelf life of 7139 is 6 months.

The information above is derived from our current knowledge and experience, and serves as our guiding advice without any mandatory significance.  The data provided does not represent specifications.  Please adjust the product usage conditions based on specific application conditions and materials.

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