
Drainage Aiding Enzyme

Drainage Aiding Enzyme

With the increase of recycled fibers, the average fiber length decreases and the water drainage performance decreases accordingly. By selectively hydrolyzing water-soluble colloidal substances and fine fibers in reused f···
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1736991447893038.jpgWith the increase of fiber reuse times, the average fiber length decreases and the water filtration performance decreases accordingly. By selectively hydrolyzing water-soluble colloidal substances and fine fibers in reused fibers, the filtration performance of stock is improved, and the moisture content of wet paper sheets is reduced, thereby reducing steam usage. This dranage aiding enzyme is a composite enzyme, particularly suitable for high-speed paper machines or multiple recycled pulp.


Improve water drainability, reduce drying steam consumption, and increase paper machine speed

Composite biological enzyme

Physical and Chemical Properties

Appearance: brown liquid

Density: 1.05-1.20 g/mL (25 ℃)

PH: 3.0- 9.0


The drainage enzyme is usually continuously dosed to the mixing tank, with a typical dosage of 0.1-0.3kg per ton of paper. 

This product should be avoided from being mixed with strong alkaline, oxidizing, and reducing substances. Wear appropriate personal protective articles when using. When not in use, it should be sealed and stored

Packaging & Storage

Packaged in 25kgs, 200kgs, or 1000kg PE drums, or according to customer's requirements. It should be stored indoors in a cool and ventilated place to prevent high temperature exposure. The shelf life is 12 months.

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