
Fatty Alcohol Based Deformer

Fatty Alcohol Based Deformer

This deformer is a non-silicon defoaming agent based on higher fatty alcohol as the main active substance, compounded with special synergist, which is suitable for preventing, controlling and eliminating foam in aqueous ···
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Product Overview

This deformer is a non-silicon defoaming agent based on higher fatty alcohol as the main active substance, compounded with special synergist, which is suitable for preventing, controlling and eliminating foam in aqueous systems.

Technical parameters

Model No: PA125

Appearance................................White emulsion

Solid Content............................27-30%

PH value..................................... 6.0 to 8.0


Solubility..................................easy to dissolve in water


1. Has good degassing and defoaming performance;

2. Excellent performance in the temperature range of 40-55 ℃;

3. Good storage stability, small viscosity changes during the storage period, and stable pumping flow.


1. The production process of cardboard, whiteboard paper, corrugated paper, news paper, and various cultural paper;

2. Other processes that cannot use organic silicon.


The defoamer has excellent defoaming and anti-foaming properties. It can be used directly in the production process or diluted before use. It is recommended to use a metering pump for continuous addition.

Generally, the addition amount of 100-1000ppm can effectively control the foam in the production process. According to different production processes, the optimal addition amount should be determined through on-site testing

Packaging and Storage

Packed in 25kgs, 50kgs, 200kgs and in recyclable 1000Kg/IBC barrelThis product is classified as non-dangerous goods, non-toxic, non-flammable, and should be stored in a sealed, cool, ventilated, and dry indoor place. 

Before use, the container should be tightly sealed after each use. The shelf life is 9 months at 10-30 ℃. 

Transportation: This product should be sealed during transportation to prevent moisture, strong alkali, acid, and rainwater from being mixed in.

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